SFB - Surrey Food Bank
SFB stands for Surrey Food Bank
Here you will find, what does SFB stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Surrey Food Bank? Surrey Food Bank can be abbreviated as SFB What does SFB stand for? SFB stands for Surrey Food Bank. What does Surrey Food Bank mean?Surrey Food Bank is an expansion of SFB
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Alternative definitions of SFB
- Orlando Sanford International Airport, Orlando, Florida USA
- San Francisco Bay
- School Facilities Board
- StarFleet Battles
- HP Soft font
- San Francisco Band
- Symmetry Breaking Force
- Suffers From Belady's
View 62 other definitions of SFB on the main acronym page
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- SMCNZ Science Media Centre of New Zealand
- SEC Smith Event Centers
- SCI Skydive City Inc
- SBIFC Shenzhen Boing International Freight Company
- SFWC San Francisco Wine Center
- SMD Silver Mountain Design
- SC33 Supreme Council 33
- SFS Sams Food Store
- SCC Sisters of Charity Cincinnati
- SOLBSPL SOL Brand Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- SAIEW SAI Engineering Works
- SLA Seth Law Associates
- SPL Studio Prodigy LLC
- SWMS Sequoia Wealth Management Sa
- SLF Simpson Law Firm
- SCHC Senior Citizen Home Care
- SLD Smart Leak Detection